Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Google Translate and a little thought for all and everyone....

Google Translate is a great work tool for me to use, when I'm in doubt of a word or of the spelling of it, but even though feel like English is as naturally for me to write and speak as Norwegian I really DO NEED to change a lot if I translate whole sentences to get them into "proper" English....

One tiny smile from you can make all
the difference in the world
for another person

So I guess my attempts of translating Norwegian or English into languages I don't speak, like Czech, Spanish or Italian and in the same time, since I can not check if they are translated in a right manner. They will probably be outright lousy translations... 

In memory - Marius and Joacim

Anyway, we don't live in a perfect world and I, myself for sure is not either perfect or a good writer, BUT I do TRY to be a good person, and I try to take the best care of my friends and of those who are nice to me....  Sometimes I succeed in that, sometimes I don't. But I DO TRY....


Jana, Michelle, Jan, Sigurd, Kjell

And a big gratitude and thank you to all the people who follow this blog and keep a big, medium or a small interest i in my from time to time weird, chaotic and not especially A4 life.... And do remember that even though I don't have much or almost non contact with some of you anymore, my heart and mind will always keep the memories of times long gone....


Silje Evjen

Stay cool, stay safe and remember when you do good, good will always come back to you in one way or another...

And for those of you I have done wrong, please find it in your hearts to forgive me, it may be difficult, myself I still can not forgive a few people who truly did betrayed me with lies or deceived me, like Karina, but please try to be a more forgiving person than me, a better human being then me maybe, and DO try to forgive those who have done you harm...

Why? Being bitter serves no good at all... Right! :)

And that's the end of my philosophical corner this month!
Lets get back to Zumba and all the other the fun stuff  :D

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