Thursday, March 8, 2012

Draagon the Dragon

After a long flight and customs officers who repeatedly put Draagon the Dragon back and forth trough a X-Ray machine for about 15 minutes at the Trondheim airport, I finally got my new Dragon back to my home. For now he's spending his days in my living room, but I will find a place for him (yes, it is a he) somewhere in my garden when spring/summer arrives.

Draagon the Dragon

Hi weigh 15,2 kilos and is about the size of a big cat, and rather cute, right ;)

And by the way... Some of these old and small town houses up in the Peak is just fabulous.... Take a quick look at some of these marvelous houses and places...

Villa in Bradwell
Town Center Recreational Park
A beautiful entrance
Bradwell Methodist Church

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