Friday, July 22, 2011

The terrorbomb in Oslo Juli 2011

One of the government main office buildings in the concentrated area of government buildings in Oslo

Wow.... Then little peaceful Norway got on the terrormap to.... I have sad to my friends so many times that I would never live in Oslo because of all the violence and crime and ghettos of people from cultures who don't share and most important don't respect the Scandinavian way and culture....

Oslo terror attack Juli 2011

And that makes me a little sad, because our way of life is good... We have more or less peace and respect  among us and a society that is genuinely friendly. And I don't think I'm bias in saying that, because I have lived in a lot of different countries and continents and have  over time gotten to learn some other cultures quite well.

But even among native norwegians there are some people with extreme views and the suspect perpetrator of the bombing seems to be an 32 year old Norwegian right wing nationalist.

Oslo terror attack Juli 2011

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